
How to Move Files Between Cloud Services

How to Move Files Between Cloud Services (Guide)

Cloud services have gained massive popularity over the past few years, and with virtually people these day juggling between multiple deject storage platforms, it is only natural that yous'd sometimes want to sync your files between those various services or, even transfer from ane service to another for whatsoever reason. There are many means to do this, and today, we're going to show you exactly how to move your files between one cloud storage service and another:

How To Sync Information Between Multiple Deject Services

If you have a few files stored in the cloud, transferring them from 1 platform to another shouldn't even be a problem. You can but download them on to your computer and re-upload them to your new deject storage service, saving yourself the hassle of trying out annihilation new. If, yet, like well-nigh people these days, y'all likewise have tons and tons of information stored in the cloud, having to download everything to your local storage device and then re-uploading them to the cloud is non only a laborious and fourth dimension-consuming process, it'due south too completely unnecessary. That's considering at that place are quite a few services that automate the process – some even for free – so that you don't have to waste your fourth dimension or frazzle your bandwidth trying to sync your files and folders from one service to another.

For the purpose of this article, we'll use a costless, web-based service chosen MultCloud to demonstrate how to transfer files between 2 of the virtually popular cyberlocker platforms right now – Google Drive and Dropbox. On its website, MultCloud says it supports a whole host of deject storage services, including, but non limited to, OneDrive, AmazonS3, MediaFire, MyDrive, Box and Yandex, alongside the two that nosotros're using for our demonstration today. Nosotros chose Google Drive and Dropbox because of 2 reasons. Offset off, I already have accounts with both these services, so I'm already acquainted with most of their features and quirks, but even more importantly, these are among the near popular cloud storage platforms worldwide, and then information technology would be reassuring for a lot of people to know that the cloud storage platform(s) they're using actually support some of the options we're discussing today.

Use MultCloud to Move Files Betwixt Google Bulldoze and Dropbox

MultCloud is one of the very best free, web-based services that allows you to sync betwixt multiple deject storage platforms. The interface is extremely intuitive and even first-fourth dimension users shouldn't really have any problems navigating through the setup procedure, which requires very piffling user input except for the account names and passwords. Since the service is spider web-based you don't fifty-fifty take to install annihilation on your PC. All you lot demand to do to use the service is navigate to the visitor's official website by clicking on this link.

  1. The all-time part about MultCloud'southward service is that you lot won't even accept to create an account to use its service. You can simply click on the "Experience without signing upwardly" link to get started.
    How to Move Files Between Cloud Services
  2. You lot'll be prompted to add the cloud drives, and so click on the "Add Cloud Drives" selection as seen in the prototype beneath.
    How to Move Files Between Cloud Services
  3. Choose any of the cloud drives on offer and click on "Next". In my case, I chose Google Bulldoze.
    How to Move Files Between Cloud Services
  4. Click on "Add together Google Drive Account".
    How to Move Files Between Cloud Services
  5. Y'all'll be redirected to Google's secured login page, where you lot'll need to log in to your Google Account by filling in your credentials.
    How to Move Files Between Cloud Services
  6. Confirm that you want MultCloud to access your account.
    How to Move Files Between Cloud Services
  7. In one case MultCloud gains access to your Google Bulldoze account, you'll see a list of all your GDrive files on the MultCloud window.
    How to Move Files Between Cloud Services
  8. Now choose your second cyberlocker account the exact same mode. Add Cloud Drives -> Dropbox -> Next.
    How to Move Files Between Cloud Services
  9. Fill in your Dropbox Credentials and allow MultCloud to access your Dropbox account.
    How to Move Files Between Cloud Services
  10. One time you've clicked on allow, you'll exist redirected to the MultiCloud page, where yous'll demand to click on the "Cloud Transfer" option on top.
    How to Move Files Between Cloud Services
  11. Click on "Select the Directory you want to transfer" and cull the exact files/folders you want to move.
    How to Move Files Between Cloud Services
  12. In my case, I've chose to transfer a folder chosen "Antivirus" from Google Drive to Dropbox. Call back to click on "OK" one time you lot've made your choice.
    How to Move Files Between Cloud Services
  13. Next up, cull your "Target directory", which, in my example, is Dropbox.
    How to Move Files Between Cloud Services
  14. Once yous're done picking your both the source and the destination, click on "Transfer Now".
    How to Move Files Between Cloud Services
  15. Yous'll go a message saying "Success", which means your chosen folder in Google Drive is now backed up in your Dropbox business relationship.
    How to Move Files Between Cloud Services
  16. You tin, of course, go to your Dropbox dashboard to cheque for yourself if the transfer was successful, which it was, in my case.
    How to Move Files Between Cloud Services

Other Options To Sync Your Files Between Different File-Hosting Services

While MultCloud is one of the best options out there for the purpose, information technology'south definitely non the only player in the marketplace that offers to move your information betwixt multiple cloud services for gratuitous. You tin can as well apply other services like Cloudsfer and to the same matter, although, both come with stricter restrictions on their gratuitous tier compared to MultCloud. While Cloudsfer offers a mere 5GB of data transfer for gratuitous, doesn't even accept a free tier anymore, although, they did have one until final year.

As for MultCloud, it offers a whopping 2TB (yes, that'due south TeraBytes with a T) of transfers before y'all'll need to subscribe to the paid tier. Even and then, the plans are pretty reasonable compared to some of its competitors, seeing as you'll just demand to pay $69.99 per twelvemonth for unlimited traffic., on the other hand, charges $20 per user for just 20GB of data and $i per GB thereafter. Cloudsfer is merely sightly more than affordable (if yous can call information technology that), and charges $6 to transfer 8GB of data after the 5GB gratis-transfer limit is wearied. While they all have their own pros and cons, equally of at present, information technology'southward hard to vanquish the value suggestion that MultCloud brings to the table.

Run across ALSO: How to Run Multiple Instances of Google Drive in Windows

Move Data Between Cloud Services With Ease

Syncing between multiple deject storage services is actually one of the easiest things to do, and you don't even accept to pay a dime to to that. So do you use whatsoever other service to sync your data between different cyberlockers, or are you planning to use any one of the options discussed above? Do let us know what you think of such services past leaving your thoughts in the comment section below.


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